Wow…holy crap…it’s been nearly a year since I had my last post about my trip to Ukraine. I’ve got at least six more days of a trip to write about. Not only that, I’m heading back there in about two weeks. My plan is toContinue reading
Tag: foreign travel
Chia In Novograd-Volynski, Ukraine: Day 1 Part 1
Finally, another installment from my trip to Ukraine. This will be recapping my first full day in Novograd-Volynski…a small town about 200km west of Kiev. It’s been just over a year now and I’m itching to go back but I don’t think I’ll be ableContinue reading
Chia’s First Day in Ukraine – Part 3
Ukraine has been on my mind a lot lately. Well, it tends to be on my mind a good bit considering it’s the screen saver for my Apple TV and also the lock screen on my phone (this nice picture of Kiev below). It’s alsoContinue reading
Chia’s First Day in Ukraine – Part Two
Now for a long-overdue continuation of my trip to Ukraine (if you want to start from the beginning, go to My Life Changing Trip to Ukraine). I just realized that we’re quickly approaching a year since I went over there and I still have yetContinue reading